Sunday, August 14, 2011


Miner's Rock from another view
Saturday, August 13th.  After a great breakfast at Sydney's we went on a waterfall tour.  There's a surprising number of waterfalls in the area and it was worth the search.  In the afternoon I washed the car and motorhome.  As I did so I had the opportunity to watch a father across from us teach the first of his triplet girls how to ride a two-wheeler.  He walked/ran beside her around and around the loop until finally she got it.  She was so proud with a grin from ear to ear.  At one point he said they were not going home until everyone could ride without training wheels.  So daughter #2 told me she was next and they weren't going home until she and her sister learned.  It was very cute.  A cloud bank rolled in from the north and I thought sure it would rain...especially since I washed the car.  But it didn't.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha gosh maybe that dad should make his girls bike all the way home! :)
