Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"By the Shores of Gichi-Gumi (Lake Superior)

showing off found treasure
View out our window
Beach Buddies
Running at full tilt
Wednesday, August 10th.  Another beautiful, clear morning, although quite breezy.  We packed up about 11:00 and took the 1 hour jaunt from Manistique (Lake Michigan) to Munising (Lake Superior).  The campground we're in is owned by the City of Munising.  Our camp site is within 100 feet of the water.  Again, quite breezy and cool (68 degrees).  After setting up camp, we went to town to visit Muldoon's.  Their sign said they feature the best pasties (past-tees) in the Upper Peninsula.  They were very good.  For those of you unfamiliar (as I was) a pasty is like a beef stew inside a pastry shell.  After lunch we explored the town and then came back to the campground for a beach walk.  Lots of very interesting stones/rocks mixed in with the sandy beach.  We walked a long way and Buster had fun chasing sea gulls and retrieving sticks.  After dinner we went for another walk.  The wind is starting to die down and hopefully promises a calm day for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I LOVE pasties. Mr. Hart was from the U.P. and when I would go with them up there, we always had pasties. Actually anything with pie crust, now that I think of it!!! :)
