Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shipwreck Tour/Beach Time

Toilet  and bathtub from ship
Who Me???
Thursday, August 11.  It got cold last night.  We actually had to turn the heater on.  We awoke to a crystal clear blue sky and sunshine.  The wind was gone and Lake Superior was flat calm.  After breakfast, we went into town and took the glass-bottom shipwreck tour.  We went to three different wrecks that were in shallow enough water that you could see them from the boat when looking thru the glass viewing areas.  These ships sank in the late 1700's and the early and late 1800's.  These boats were carrying iron ore, salt and lumber.  It was a SPARKLER of a day and the light breeze on the water nicely counteracted the warmth from the sun.  What a day.  Upon our return we had lunch and then took Buster to the beach.  He met some other dogs playing there and discovered he could swim on his own.  It was fun to watch.


  1. I love seeing this whole tour! I have never been anywhere but Marquette, that I remember. You're doing a great job of posting.....LOVE that pic of Buster!!! :)

  2. Huh, very interesting about the shipwrecks. haha, Buster!!
