Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunshine in Traverse City (Again)

Monday, August 22.  We woke up to another sunny morning.  We left Buster in the motorhome and went to town for some grocery shopping.  After lunch we went to the beach with Buster.  He's developing into a good swimmer...very comfortable swimming splashing as he paddles.  There was a pretty good wind coming off the lake.  The water's warm.  Very comfortable swimming.  I'm sure it's in the 70's but just how warm I can't say.  I can say it's much warmer than lakes or the ocean in Washington!!!!  The views at the beach are spectacular.  As good as any in Mexico or the Carribean.  This would be a much cheaper place to vacation than Puerto Vallarta as far as airfare.

After the beach we prepared a great dinner and then had a campfire.  We had "S'mores ala Marty"...just marshmallows or graham crackers.  A great ending to the day.


  1. Remember...the graham cracker is only a vehicle to deliver the chocolate to your mouth...don't be misled! LOL

  2. Google people..I figured out how to post. You need to "sign In" at the top right corner of the blog..then bookmark that. It will keep you signed in whenever you open the blog, and you will be able to post

  3. S'mores a la Marty - hahahhaaha! Good to know it's so lovely... need to make it up north one of these trips to the Mitt with the fam!

    Marty - GLAD you figured out how to sign in!! Hopefully everyone else having issues commenting reads your tip! :o)
