Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PicNic at Bev and Jerry's with Robins Family

Robin, Doug and the girls
Bev & Austin w/ Smore's
Austin, Jerry and his friends
Sunday, September 4th.    We all went to Bev and Jerry's for a picnic.  Buster got to run around with their dogs and we got to meet Robin's husband, Doug and their kids, Haley, Allison and Austin.  Haley (7) and Allison (5) are real cuties.  Austin (2) is a trip.  He runs like a 5 year old and has a great outgoing personality.  After dinner, we had a great bonfire in the backyard complete with S'mores.  Bev really enjoyed herself.  After Robins' family left, Jerry presented me with a WONDERFUL gift...a bottle of Laphroig Single Malt Scotch.  It is the best.  We went thru the whole process of inhaling the wonderful, peaty smoky aroma; swirling it in our glasses and then breathing it in as we take our first sip.  As my friend Claus would say...'Like and angel .....'.  That bottle will hold a place of prominence in the motorhome and will only be opened on special occasions.  Thank you, Jerry.

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