Wednesday, September 21st. We awoke to an overcast sky. It had rained over the night so the grass was wet. Did that stop Buster and I from taking our morning walk? NO! From the campground we walked into Randolph Center. We went past Floyd's General Store. Buster wanted to stop there because we had the previous morning. But we went on by and walked around the campus of the Vermont Technical College. The sign said this was the first 'Normal' school, established back in the 1800's. It's not a big school by PAC 10 or Big 10 standards, but it's nicely situated in the town.
After breakfast we packed up and headed out for Gorham, NH. As we drove, the skies got brighter and by the time we got to Gorham (3 Hours) it was blue sky and 75.
view from Mt. Washington |
at the summit |

After we got set up in the campground, the owner advised us to visit Mt. Washington that afternoon. This is because clear skies are not normal for up there and it was predicted to be cloudy and rainy the next 2 days. There's a self guided CD tour up the mountain, pointing out vistas, flora and telling the story of the mountain road. Mt. Washington is the highest peak in New England. Travel to the top began in the 1700's and the first official roadway was opened in 1861. It's an 8 mile drive to the top, where the elevation is 6288 ft. There are no guardrails and the sides are often sheer drops. Diane missed some of the ride because she had her eyes closed. A rustic hotel was established in the late 1800's and a weather station was established in the early 1900's. In 1934 the meterologists stationed at the peak recorded wind speeds of 231 mph, the highest ever recorded anywhere. The views are spectacular and it was a nice welcome to NH and an end to our day.
By the way, Diane said we're really starting to see some fall colors. I'm color blind and don't see them so blah blah blah. (Marty can relate to this)
Love the leaves changing colors!!! Beautiful!