Monday, September 26, 2011

Northern New Hampshire

The Balsams Resort
a little country lane
18th Fairway
Friday, September 23rd.  We left in the morning on a tour in search of fall colors.  Although I can't see much color, Diane was oohing and aahing as we drove north.  We got to The Balsams resort.  Although the resort is closed, the golf clubhouse was open for lunch.  Great panoramic views were there for our enjoyment.  The golf course was also very nice.  I can imagine it would be difficult to keep your head down with views like this.

Screw Auger Falls

On our return to the campground we came across two waterfalls that were carved in the granite rock.  The power of moving water is amazing

1 comment:

  1. Oooh - the leaves are really changing now!!! Love it! Also love that country lane... oh, the photo shoots I could do there! :o)

    Glad Buster got to see the falls, too!
