Sunday, September 4, 2011

Memory Lane

Sister at their house
Buster and Murphy
Friday, Sept. 2nd.    Friday morning we started by taking Buster over to Bev and Jerrys to meet their dogs.  Buster enjoyed playing with Murphy, the german shepard.  Then Bev, Di and I took off for Dearborn to see our old hometown.  We first stopped at their house on Edward.  The neighborhood is still well kept up and things looked much the same.  We then stopped at Lindbergh Elementary School, where I (along with Joye and Marty) went to school.  The school was open so we went in.  It looked like I remember it from 50+ years ago.  There was pictures of Lindbergh, Lindbergh with Henry Ford and of Harold Myler, the principle when I went there.  WOW!!!

Lindbergh School
We then went to my neighborhood on Waverly.  On our way we drove by Jason's drugstore building (see blog from Miles Ctiy, Montana).  Our neighborhood looked great.  I stopped to say hello to Mrs. Steiper, who lived 2 doors down from us.  She's now 95 and sharp as a tack.  We then had a picnic at Levagood Park and drove by Di and Bev's grandparents house on Denwood.  We also stopped at Ziemba's house on Highview.  Hilda was there and looks great.  

From there we drove to the cemetary where Di and Bev's father is buried.  Thanks to Bev, we found the plot.  

That evening I drove to cousin Joe Brastrom's house in Rochester Hills.  Joe is a little older than me but lived in our neighborhood while I was in elementary school.  Joe retired from GM. He and his wife, Chris have a beautiful home.  We had a long and good visit.  What a great ending to a great day!!!

I'll download the rest of the pic's tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Couz Jim; Had a great time with you and talking about the past. We need your email address which
    we neglected to get in light of all the BS and
    stories. You forgot to take the bottle of RED
    Diamond Cabernet Savignon. I will take good care
    of it if you know what I mean. Joe and Chris
