Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oswego, NY

Oswego lighthouse
Sunday, Sept. 11.  Buster met a nice Golden Retriever name Teddy.  They had a good time running in a field.  Then we did some exploring up the coast of Lake Ontario.  We went to Oswego, a history rich town  at a prominent shoreline location.  A lighthouse was established here in the late 1700's.  It was also the site of battles during the French and Indian War and the War of 1812.  The fort has been restored and it was a pretty interesting tour.
Barracks inside Oswego fort
Manning the canons

Erie Canal
We then had lunch along the Erie Canal (at Lock #8).  It is still used for small boats/barges and we did see one boat go thru the lock.  Ironically, boats have to pay to go thru these locks, unlike the Chittenden locks in Seattle.

We stopped at a roadside produce stand.  They are very proud of their apples.  Their apples were like mush.  Washington apples have us spoiled.  They do have good corn and peaches.

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