Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Do Not Shop at Best Buy

Saturday, Sept. 17th.  Late on Friday we discovered that Diane's new digital camera was not showing an image on the screen.  It still took pic's, but you couldn't see what you were aimed at.  When we got to Vermont, we went to a Best Buy store, which is where we bought the camera in Traverse City on August 18.   We were told that even though the camera was less than a month old, they would have to take the camera and send it to Panasonic, who would then send us a new camera to our home.  They do it this way so they are not impacted by a reduction in inventory at the store.  Even tho we explained that we are on the road and will not be home until the end of December, they would not show any compassion, concern or interest in good customer service.  The store manager had gone home for the day (3:30 pm) and the 'floor manager' was on a lunch break so we talked to a young man who clearly couldn't wait to get rid of us.  I was very disappointed in Best Buy as we have purchased many things over the years, but will never do so again.  Costco would have replaced the camera in a minute. We then went to Costco and bought a new camera.   So please pass the word...Do NOT shop at Best Buy.


  1. AMEN! So sorry about the cam. Did you get the same kind again or a different one? What a P.I.A. Best Buy is.....glad Costco came to the rescue again. And I hope there were some decent pics that she did take!

  2. Gee Jimmy, I hate to tell you how happy I have been with Best Buy. They replaced the keyboard on my new laptop, after I melted a key by spilling hot pipe tobacco ashes on it, for free. The only mistake I made was telling Sal how I damaged my laptop.
