Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Trip/Oddesey/Journey

Diane and I have been thinking about this for about 3 years.  After planning, researching, routing and creating an itinerary, it is finally here.  Over the course of the next 5 months we will travel about 10,000 motorhome miles (with plenty of extra car side trips), visited 27 states, and eaten about 5000 pounds of lobster (just kidding...only 1000).  As the trip progresses I hope my blogging skills do as well.  Also, we will learn more about this motorhome (boy, is air conditioning ever nice when all you've been used to is mid-60 temps. and rain; and about my camera and tripod (thanks City of Redmond friends).  I hope I'll be able to easily put pictures in the blog as I was led to believe by my sister.  And I intend to write each day something about the previous day.  Please give feedback and suggestions on places to visit and things to do.  I hope to see you all along the way or on our return from The Trip.


  1. Yahoo! Sounds like a lot of miles travelled this year... very cool! Can't wait to read all about it. :o)

  2. Yahoo!! I just got this link form your Joye and I am going to dig in. I am envious of you as I have always thought of how much I would like to do this...Okay, I have some reading to do.

    Cousin Stevie

    PS- I absolutely love deciphering these code words so I can post...are you kidding? I can't make heads or tails of it...and I am dead sober!
