Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Road to Miles City, MT

Yellowstone River
We had a six hour drive today...most of it on freeway.  Today is our anniversary...43 years.  The best 25 years of my life.  It's very hot here...95 when we got here.  Fortunately the campground has a pool and we took full advantage of it.  We had a great steak dinner with baked potato, asparagus, and fried mushrooms and walla walla onions.  We then went for a walk in Miles City.  They have a very nice central park.  We were letting Buster chase and retrieve sticks when a lady pulled into the parking lot with 2 standard sized poodles.  Buster had fun running around with them.  In discussion, she says she lives in San Diego, but she grew up in Dearborn, MI where Diane and i grew up.  She graduated from our high school a couple of years ahead of us.  She knows our next door neighbor and other neighbors.  Her father owned the neighbor hood drug store (Jason's) where I spend every extra cent I had to buy candy.  What a small world.
Typical rock outcroppings


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Uncle Jim, you are hysterical. :o) Definitely a small world - that is unbelievable!

  2. So was it Kathy Jason??? How crazy is that????

  3. ps.....remember that wax candy???? the lips and teeth and moustaches?
    it was fun talking to Di today. I don't get the comment about the best 25 years of your 43 years....are u saying it's not all been FUN??????

  4. Happy Anniversary Jim and Di! What a wonderful way to be celebrating it!!!
