Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Again we have great pictures to share and will do so when we get the bugs worked out.  We went to Spokane to see the sights...a very nice city.  Before sight-seeing, we went to Costco and they exchanged our Garmin GPS.  What great customer service Costco has!!!!

We first went to the Spokane Riverwalk.  A beautifully landscaped park along the Spokane River.  Lots of flowers, fountains and displays.  It goes for about 6 blocks along the river, ending in the Spokane Falls, a pretty impressive series of waterfalls.  Again we got great pics.

We then went to the Davenport Hotel.  This was built and opened in 1914.  Magnificent!  It went into disrepair in the 70's.  A family bought it and spent millions restoring it to its previous grandeur.  It's really something to see with all the ballrooms and historic displays.

The entire Spokane downtown is very well done.  Lots of historic buildings have been restored on the exterior.  Lots of funky bars, pubs and eating places.  We had a great afternoon and were able to dodge rain showers to enjoy it all.

On to Glacier National Park tomorrow.


  1. So these pictures... they sound intriguing. :o) What is the issue???

  2. my question exactly......whats the glitch????
    spokane is nice, but would be nicer in pics. are you sure you aren't still at the cabin and just posting these so we will THINK you left????? ;-)

  3. JIM....Call JULIE about your blog. You've got the same camera and you both use blogspot and you both have macs. If you need her #, you can call me. Just read your other posts and see that you need to get this fixed FAST. :) It really IS easy, peasy! Honest Injun!

  4. Hi Jim & Diane - just found your blog...lurking in blogland and saw the link on Julie's! Congratulations on your retirement and happy travels!!! Looking forward to following you on here, taking notes for my retirement, which is not soon enough!!!

    Oh and that is the cutest darn picture of you guys! Love it!!!

  5. Tough crowd Jim/Diane....I am gonna go easy on ya...
