Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

We had a 3 hour drive to Medora, ND, the gateway to the Theo. Roosevelt NP.  After getting settled in our campground, we went to the NP visitors' center.  There's a 36 mile loop drive with various hikes emanating from it along the way.  We decided to just do the loop drive to get the lay of the land.  The temp was cooler today...low 80's...much welcomed.  The NP is located in The Badlands, named by the settlers to reflect the difficulty in making a life in the area.  The Badlands includes beautiful landforms and animals of various sizes.  As we made our way around the loop we encountered animal life ranging from small to large to HUGE.  They were all by the road except the wild horses, which were about 100 yds off the road.  It was a pretty exciting ride and made us so happy we came here.
Simon and Garfunkel
Walkin' down the center of the road
Herd of Wild horses
Amazing, rugged scenery
Even BIG laying down
Big Prairie Dog


  1. Love the Big Prairie Dog the best! :)
    Looks like a cool place!

  2. I would love seeing all those animals! That is awesome!!! The big prairie dog is definitely the cutest!!! :)

  3. Simon & Garfunkel - ha! The buffalo are crazy!! And someone should really do something about the size of prairie dogs... sheesh!

  4. I am really diggin these pics and updates..Thanks for sharing these. When you guys get to Az, party at cousin Stevies.
