Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mount Rushmore/Chief Crazy Horse

side view
We awoke to a bright, cloudless sky that promised to be in the mid-90's.  That's really hot for someone from Seattle!!!  After breakfast we went to the guest services building to talk with the concierge about a sightseeing route.  We drove first to Mt. Rushmore.  Even though we've seen it before, it is still an awe-inspiring sight to catch the first glimpse of it.  A group of very brave men did the work to create this fantastic tribute to 4 of our greatest presidents.

The Four Tenors

We then drove to  the Chief Crazy Horse monument site.  This is of HUGE proportions compared to Mt. Rushmore.  Much longer, taller and viewable from 3 sides when completed.  A lot of work has been done, but there's a loooong way to go.  All being done with donations  and volunteers.  Just to give you an idea of scale, the tunnel or hole to the right of the face is 9 stories tall.  Unbelievable.
The Vision

1 comment:

  1. Great blog-in' Jim! Looks like you're having a blast. My mom's from Rapid and I visited Crazy Horse about 15 years ago & it doesn't look that different than today -though it's a HUGE undertaking. I love the SD Badlands. Next time through may be stop by the historic Wall Drugs. Happy trails!
