Saturday, July 23, 2011

East Glacier Village/Two Medicine Lodge

On Friday, we awoke to rain drops a a completely overcast sky.  We decided to forego entering the park since we wouldn't be able to see anything because of the low ceiling.  Instead we drove to the East Village along Highway 2, just skirting the national park.  As we went east the sky cleared and by the time we got to the east village we were in the sun.  But the storm was over the Park as was approaching from the west.  We saw some pretty views...including a mother moose and her tiny baby.  But of course by the time we got stopped and the camera ready she had led her baby over a rise to protection.  It turned out we made a wise decision to stay out of the park.  We heard people talking of sleet, hail, high winds and rain.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures guys, keep them coming!!! That Buster is just so cute! What a great dog!!!
