Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Virginia Beach

  Sunday, October 16th.  A sunny day.  Where the campground had been full the day before for the Halloween festivities, folks were clearing out and heading home.  We took Buster to the beach.  Virginia Beach has a great boardwalk that extends for about 13 miles along the beach.  The walkway is about 30 feet wide located right at the beach wall.  There intermittent stairs going down to the beautiful sand beach.  On the back side of the walkway, there's lots of benches and street art.  Also, lots of restaurants and watering holes along the walkway.  There is a separate 15 foot wide bike path for bikes, skateboards, and push scooters.  There's bike rentals for single bikes and up to 6 passenger bike carts.  It's a very fun atmosphere.  The one downer was that they were dredging sand from off-shore and pumping a sand slurry back to the beach to make a bigger beach.  The slurry was full of mud as well as the sand, resulting in muddy water washing up on the beach.  But it was still a great day.

The campground is right in the flightpath of the Oceana Naval Air Station.  We didn't hear much compared to other times.  But when they went over (mostly take-offs) you couldn't carry on a conversation.  The Sound of Freedon!!!

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