Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Brewster, MA; Cape Cod

Tuesday, October 4th.  We've experienced our first "Nor'easter".  It blew so hard last night and into the morning that the motorhome was shaking.  And Rain...now we're from Seattle and we've seen lots of rain...But this rain last night was amazing.  It was so hard and so horizontal.  When we got up there were deep puddles all over the place (and this is sandy soil).  We waited all morning, waiting for the rain to subside.  But it didn't.  So we packed up in the rain (again) and took off for Cape Cod.

To get there we had to go thru Boston.  We actually drove thru "the Big Dig", which is a freeway (6 lanes) that goes under downtown Boston.  The tunnel goes literally for miles and it's deep enough to drive a motorhome thru.  It was pretty amazing.

We got to Brewster mid afternoon.  It was a sunny day down here and we enjoyed 'drying out'.  We look forward to exploring the Cape tomorrow.

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