Saturday, October 1, 2011

Booth Bay Harbor

Wednesday, September 28th.  Another sunny day as we drove about 2 hours down to Booth Bay.  There is a town of Booth Bay.  But the larger town is called Booth Bay Harbor.  It was founded in the early 1700's and was home to a number of ship captains.  Many of the old buildings have been retained and preserved.  They feature great porches orienting to the bay and the ocean beyond.  Their economy is based on 1) the sea and 2) tourism.  This is the first small town we've encountered that had pay for parking lots scattered around the downtown.  Reminded me of Seattle.  Even tho it's after Labor Day, the town was bustling with tourists.  Lots of galleries, shops and restaurants.  We wondered how the artists in the galleries could make a living, there being so many of them...not just here, but all over New England.  We speculated that maybe this is a post-retirement avocation allowing them a chance to market their hobby.

The area around Booth Bay Harbor is dotted with small islands and rock outcroppings.  Lots of lighthouses around and channel marker buoys.  And all over were the buoys/floats put out by the lobstermen and crabbers to mark their trap locations.  All  in all, it was very picturesque.

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